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Naima Niyazova

PhD student,
Izmir Inst. of Technology, Bioengineering
MSc, Molecular Biology
BSc., Biology

I completed my undergraduate degree in Biology in 2015. The same year, I began my master’s degree studies, and in 2017, I earned a Master’s degree in Molecular Biology with distinction. My graduate research focused on the genome-specific identification of DREB 1 transcription factor (TF) gene, which significantly enhanced my knowledge of molecular biology.

Following graduation, I began to work initially as a junior researcher and later as a researcher at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies, MSE AR. During my academic career, I actively participated in various research projects. In 2022 and 2023, I had the privilege of conducting research as a visiting research associate under the supervision of Prof. Biancaelena Maserti at the Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (IPSP) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Florence.

I am currently a doctoral fellow in the BIOTIN programme. My research focuses on the “Development of novel quantum mechanical descriptors for nanomaterials and their application in toxicity prediction’’.

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