Meet Our Supervisors
BIOTIN DCs benefit from an interdisciplinary team of supervisors with ample experience in the non-academic & industrial sectors. Each DC is appointed three highest-calibre, experienced, academic supervisors from different disciplines complementary for their PhD projects. The supervisory team guide the student with regards to the day- to-day supervision and training programs.

Boğaziçi University
Department of Chemistry

Boğaziçi University
Biomedical Engineering

Dept of Materials Science and Eng.
İzmir Institute of Technology

Department of Chemistry
Boğaziçi University

Dept of Molecular Biology and Genetics
İzmir Institute of Technology

Department of Bioengineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Department of Bioengineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Department of Photonics
İzmir Institute of Technology

Dept of Chemical Engineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Department of Computer Engineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Department of Bioengineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Izmir Int. Biomedicine and Genome Inst.
Dokuz Eylül University

Department of Bioengineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Boğaziçi University
Biomedical Engineering

Dept of Molecular Biology and Genetics
İzmir Institute of Technology

Izmir Int. Biomedicine and Genome Inst.
Dokuz Eylül University

Department of Computer Engineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Izmir Int. Biomedicine and Genome Inst.
Dokuz Eylül University