What is Biotin?
BIOTIN is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA)-cofunded program aiming to provide 10 doctoral candidates (DCs) a unique blend of research training skills in the convergence of life sciences, engineering and entrepreneurship skills, with the aim of advancing innovation in biomedical and bioengineering fields.
Successful candidates will be enrolled in a doctoral program offered by one of the 3 implementing partners with the aim of obtaining their doctoral degree. The BIOTIN program will be a unique educational experience immersing DCs in courses and trainings on entrepreneurship at the early stages of their curriculum, on data science and computing, as well as biomedical sciences and engineering courses. In addition to the theoretical courses and trainings, each recruited DC fellow will be required to complete PhD thesis. BIOTIN program offers 20 PhD thesis projects, in the fields of Drug Development, Diagnostics, Tissue Engineering & Artificial Organs, which the DCs can choose from at the time of application for the program.
Implementing Partners
BIOTIN is coordinated by Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) in collaboration with two partner organisations: Boğaziçi University (BOUN) and Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center (IBG). IZTECH, IBG and BOUN are located in two major cities of Türkiye, İzmir and İstanbul and all will be recruiting DCs.

Biotin for one-of-a-kind, international experience
Türkiye - Germany - Netherlands - Sweden - Spain - United States - United Kingdom - Belgium - Switzerland - Poland - Portugal - France

Meet Our Supervisors
BIOTIN DCs will benefit from an interdisciplinary team of supervisors with ample experience in the non-academic & industrial sectors. Each DC will be appointed three highest-calibre, experienced, academic supervisors from different disciplines complementary for their PhD projects. The supervisory team will guide the student with regards to the day- to-day supervision and training programs.

Boğaziçi University
Department of Chemistry

Boğaziçi University
Biomedical Engineering

Dept of Materials Science and Eng.
İzmir Institute of Technology

Department of Chemistry
Boğaziçi University

Dept of Molecular Biology and Genetics
İzmir Institute of Technology

Department of Bioengineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Department of Bioengineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Department of Photonics
İzmir Institute of Technology

Dept of Chemical Engineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Department of Computer Engineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Department of Bioengineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Izmir Int. Biomedicine and Genome Inst.
Dokuz Eylül University

Department of Bioengineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Department of Chemical Engineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Boğaziçi University
Biomedical Engineering

Dept of Molecular Biology and Genetics
İzmir Institute of Technology

Izmir Int. Biomedicine and Genome Inst.
Dokuz Eylül University

Department of Computer Engineering
İzmir Institute of Technology

Izmir Int. Biomedicine and Genome Inst.
Dokuz Eylül University
Management Committee

Project Coordinator
Prof. Volga Bulmuş

Ethics Coordinator
Prof. Funda Tıhmınlıoğlu

Program Manager
Dr. Başar Şirin

Research Coordinator
Prof. Engin Özçivici